Note: All LEG submissions are the intellectual property of Lithgow Environment Group. They may not be copied without the express permission of LEG and the author.
Date: 11 September 2024
Submission sent to: The Honourable Penny Sharpe MLC
Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Energy, Minister for the Environment & Minister for Heritage
Date: August 2024
Submission sent to: Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
Date: 26 February 2020
Submission sent to: NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Date: 8 June 2018
Submission sent to: Mining and Industry Projects, NSW Department of Planning and Environment
"Whilst the Lithgow Environment Group Inc. commends this Proposal to treat Angus Place mine water by reverse osmosis, we object to this Proposal"
Date: 28 April 2014
Submission sent to: Major Infrastructure Assessment, NSW Department of Planning
"The Lithgow Environment Group (LEG) unanimously opposes the proposed Modifications for the Invincible and Cullen Valley coal mines because we believe they will adversely impact upon an internationally significant pagoda landform complex located on the western edge of the Great Dividing Range in Ben Bullen State Forest. Open-cut mining is incompatible with this part of Ben Bullen State Forest, and it should instead be fully reserved in a State Conservation Area as soon as possible."
Read LEG's submission (22MB)
Date: 19 February 2009
Submission sent to: National Water Commission
Date: 2007
Submission sent to: Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications
The Lithgow Environment Group Inc. (LEG) was established in 2005 to work towards achieving improved water quality, human health, environmental and conservation outcomes for our region.
LEG’s Vice President Mr Chris Jonkers was scheduled to present this submission to the Senate Committee Hearing in Sydney at 12:20pm on 22 February 2007. Unfortunately Mr Jonkers was unavoidably delayed, and a replacement speaker could not be found at short notice. We respectfully request that the Committee accepts LEG’s submission in lieu.
Thank you for giving our group the opportunity to speak at this Senate Inquiry today. I am the Vice President of LEG. I am also a long-term Lithgow resident. My father worked at the former State Mine until it closed in 1964, and then at Wallerawang Power Station until his retirement. I worked on construction of Wallerawang Power Station Unit 8 and at the Power Station during the 1970’s. Over the last 10 years Lithgow has lost 50% of its two Power Stations (Wallerawang), and 72% or 9 of 12 operating coal mines (Angus Place Colliery, Baal Bone Colliery, Charbon Colliery, Cullen Valley Mine, Enhance Place Mine, Invincible Colliery, Ivanhoe Colliery, Lambert’s Gully Mine, Pine Dale Mine have closed). Only 3 mines are still operating (Springvale, Clarence Colliery, and Airly Mine).
Lithgow Council, the Unions, Minerals Council, and politicians of various persuasions would have this Committee believe Lithgow has become a ghost town after losing 50% of its Power Stations and 72% of its coal mines, and that it can’t sustain the loss of Mt Piper Power Station as well.
Submission sent to: Sustainability of energy supply and resources in NSW
Thank you for allowing Lithgow Environment Group Inc to provide information to this committee and to hear our transition story with our great city that is in rapid decline and our needs to continue to thrive into the future.
“We can choose new industry that creates new jobs that does not compromise our natural areas, agricultural lands, water security, health or the social fabric of our regions”.
Lithgow is well known for its contribution to not only the state, national and internationally with history for over 100 years with coal mining and power generation. But this has been at a cost at a local level, with the destruction of our ancient natural areas, contaminated mining sites, loss of quality and quantity of surface water. Lithgow, the headwaters for numerous catchments, including Sydney water catchment and to the Murray-Darling.
Lithgow is well known also for its integrity, strength and progressive thinking. We need the support of our governments to be able to survive and gain stability in a declining city. But there is hope if we achieve a transition plan now with the opportunities now presenting with renewable energy across the nation. Providing cleaner energy, less emissions, reducing loss of natural areas, Endangered Ecological Communities, native Flora and Fauna, loss of surface and ground water, Equally the provision of retraining to existing coal and power generation workers and training for our younger generation.