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Lithgow Environment Group
preserving the balance of nature
Swamp Watch
Swamp Watch

Listed swamps either under the State Government's Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 or the Federal Government's EPBC Act 1999.

The Lithgow Environment Group is dedicated to protecting Lithgow's remaining swamps, and all their beauty, from similar destruction. To do this we actively monitors swamps in the area.

Pristine Swamps

Damaged Swamps

* Action taken is that now this was identified that mine discharge water was flowing through this swamp LCC have gained government funding to now pipe the mine discharge water around the swamp directly into Farmers Creek Dam – Lithgow Drinking Water Supply.

Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamps
hanging swamp
This recently listed NSW Endangered Ecological Community (Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamp in the Sydney Basin Bioregion) occurs on long gentle open drainage lines on the Newnes Plateau.

It forms a dense, wet heath with an unevenly-textured, tussock sedge understorey. Trees are typically absent, although occasional eucalypts do occur where there is greater influence from incoming sediments. The main shrub species are Baeckea linifolia, Boronia deanei, Grevillea acanthifolia, Epacris species and Leptospermum species.

The consistent feature of the ground cover are the Cyperoid species Lepidosperma limicola, and button grass (Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus) and Empodisma minus a member of the Restionaceae family. Xyris ustulata, the yellow flag, is also very common in the community.

Here's a full description of the Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamp including structural and floristic summaries, key identifying features, threatened plant species and diagnostic species.

Newnes Plateau Hanging Swamps
hanging swamp
Newnes Plateau Hanging Swamps share many species with the endangered community Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamp (MU50) however they occupy a different habitat niche.

The Hanging Swamps occupy gully heads and ridgetop sites at points of water seepage where percolating groundwater travelling through the sandstone is forced outwards by impermeable shale layers. These form ephemeral wet peaty soils on which a range of swamp heath plants grows. The uppermost stratum, which may include mallees such as E. gregsoniana and tea tree (Leptospermum juniperinum) and Banksias are usually only a few metres above ground level and may only be sparse.

By contrast the lowest stratum may be a metre off the ground or more, with coral fern (Gleichenia) and umbrella fern (Sticherus) combining with large saw-sedge (Gahnia sieberiana) to form a nearly impenetrable layer.

While there is considerable floristic overlap with the Endangered Ecological Community Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamps it has not been included on the basis of the habitat.

It is however a component of the Temperate Highland Peat Swamps on Sandstone Endangered Ecological Community listed under the Commonwealth EPBC Act 1999.

Here's a full description of the Newnes Plateau Hanging Swamp including structural and floristic summaries, key identifying features, threatened plant species and diagnostic species.

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