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Gang Gang Gallery Pagoda Forum
(date posted: 29 May 2021)

Community Conversations Connecting with the love of our Pagoda Country. Care for our Country!

Amazing things happen when passions from the heart push the boundaries
Official #PagodaExhibition and launch of #DestinationPagodaEconomicReport.

#GangGangGallery15May21. Master of Ceremonies Ramsay Moodie National Trust Lithgow and Sharon Howard Director Gang Gang Gallery opened the doors to share the passion with the official opening of Exhibition Pagoda and the launch of Destination Pagoda Economic Report. Exhibition Pagoda was also included as part of National Trust NSW Heritage Festival.

Guest Speakers:

Sarah Tereks - Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute Governance.Eco-art connection to nature to wildness & wilderness

Dr Richard Stiles - President Lithgow Environment Group reflections on where we have been and where we are going

Professor Anne Graham - Pagoda Installation

Nic Tsoutas, Cindy Yuen-Zhe Chen - Artists on their conversation between spiritual response to landscape

Dr Haydn Washington - Environmental Scientist/writer - Journey stories 40 years in the waiting 40 years in the making. LAUNCHES Destination Pagoda Economic Report.

Madi Maclean - Senior Vice President Blue Mountains Conservation Society - conversation on conservation and a opportunity for Lithgow to flourish with a sustainable DP Economic Tourism plan

Greg Mortimer OAM - deep seated feelings on the journey behind and on a sustainable way forward.

Lithgow Environment Group as with the Gardens of Stone Alliance give thanks and gratitude to all who came together to share their voice and to be heard.

Video Links

Here is a list of links to videos of the speakers at the launch of Destination Pagoda Economic Report launch 15th May 2021 at the Gang Gang Gallery:

Dr Haydn Washington, who launched the report

Dr Richard Stiles, speech with poetry

Madi Maclean - Senior Vice President - Blue Mountains Conservation Society

Greg Mortimer OAM

Nicholas Tsoutas, Curator

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